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El programa de Honors Mentorship es la razon por la cual yo he creado este sitio de web. Yo tratare de explicar las raíses del language de Español, y yo espero animar a los estudiantes a que se esforzen y aprendan Español.

Enlarge your vocabulary with different words
and range of expressions 



The Spanish language varies from country to country. Meaning some words have different meanings or pronunciation in different countries.

Those who know nothing of foreign languages, know nothing of their own.”

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe 




The Honors Mentorship Program is the reason for me creating this website. I will try to explain roots of the Spanish language, and I hope to encourage students to strive and learn Spanish. 

What is "Honors Mentorship Program" You Ask?



It is a program that is offered at my school and not everyone who applies is accepted. This program lets you have real hands-on experince with a mentor, somone who is active in the field you wish to be in.

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